Dabl is a Lifestyle Network featuring world-renowned lifestyle experts and iconic personalities providing informative, project-based programming that inspires, as well as, entertains.
Everybody Hates ChrisS2, EP13 "Everybody Hates Snow Day"After mistakenly going to school on a snow day, Chris must stay in the building with Principal Edwards (Jason Alexander) until they can reach his parents.
Everybody Hates ChrisS2, EP14 "Everybody Hates the Substitute"A substitute teacher (Orlando Jones) holds Chris to a higher standard than his classmates; Tonya learns to get her way by accusing Drew of hitting her.
One on OneS5, EP5 "Study Buddy"When Breanna and D-Mack start spending a lot of time studying together, Arnaz becomes jealous and decides to put a stop to it.
One on OneS5, EP6 "Where's My Yemmy?"During a Halloween costume party, Arnaz mistakenly kisses another girl who is dressed in the same costume as Breanna.
MoeshaS3, EP19 "Mo's Money, Mo's Money, Mo's Money"Moesha goes on a spending spree after receiving her first paycheck and quickly finds herself in debt.
MoeshaS3, EP20 "This Time You've Gone Too Far"When Moesha (Brandy Norwood) gets permission to go to San Diego, she and her friends decide to cross the border.
The ParkersS4, EP5 "Food Fiasco"Chef Nikki enlists the gang's help when a food critic drops by the restaurant with an army of friends.
The ParkersS4, EP6 "And the Winner Is ..."Kim parts company with her friends to secretly audition as a solo act for a television show; Nikki and the professor share joint custody of a television.
Everybody Hates ChrisS2, EP7 "Everybody Hates Promises"Chris must defend himself at an impeachment hearing after the school newspaper runs several inflammatory stories about his class presidency.
Everybody Hates ChrisS2, EP8 "Everybody Hates Thanksgiving"Julius' successful brother, Louis (Wayne Brady), visits the family for a memorable Thanksgiving dinner.
One on OneS4, EP21 "Cap and Frown"After his ex-wife persuades him to do so, Flex meddles in Breanna's love life, hoping she will choose a college in California instead of staying in Baltimore with Arnaz.
One on OneS4, EP22 "The Graduates"As Breanna heads off to college, guilt-ridden Flex feels compelled to admit that he convinced Arnaz to let her go to California alone.
MoeshaS3, EP13 "Talk of the Town"After the police break up Q's concert, Moesha calls a community meeting.
MoeshaS3, EP14 "He Ain't Heavy, He's Dee's Brother"Moesha (Brandy Norwood) gets caught up in a project with Dee's (Sheryl Lee Ralph) handsome brother (guest star Don Franklin).
The ParkersS3, EP21 "It's Showtime"Magic Johnson (guest starring as himself) hires Nikki to be the manager for his movie theater; professor Oglevee escorts an actress to a movie premiere unaware that Nikki is working at the theater.
The ParkersS3, EP22 "Teach Me Tonight"Professor Oglevee turns to Nikki for comfort following a career setback.
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