With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert, Cesar Millan, rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced relationship with their pets.
Dog WhispererS3, EP12 "Calvin, Rudy and Milo"A ridgeback mix has eccentricities; a Jack Russell terrier attacks motorcycles; a border collie's herding instincts get the best of him.
Dog WhispererS2, EP4 "JonBee, Violet & Hudson and Buford"A rescued dog is too ferocious; an insane Great Dane upsets a household; playing matchmaker for a lonely but picky boxer.
Dog WhispererS2, EP5 "Isis & Tina, Nugget and Katrina Dogs"Pets abandoned during Hurricane Katrina reunite with their owners or find new homes; a pit bull behaves aggressively toward the dog of his owner's new girlfriend; a large dog has pica.
Dog WhispererS2, EP6 "Naughty Rotties"Rottweilers with behavior problems; a small mixed-breed fails two obedience classes; a vizsla needs help adjusting to a move from the country to the city.
Dog WhispererS2, EP7 "The Evil Queen"A Doberman mix instigates fights at the dog park; a Pomeranian charges other dogs; an aggressive terrier mix.
Dog WhispererS2, EP8 "Chip, Lucy, Hank & Betty, and Leo"Actress Denise Richards needs help getting in control of her three dogs; a miniature pinscher bites visitors; a lazy basset hound.
Dog WhispererS2, EP9 "Spike, Jake & Nugget, and Wendell"A woman's aggressive dogs are coming in between her and her husband; a German shepard who failed obedience school; a Sheltie barks in the car and bites other dogs.
Dog WhispererS5, EP17 "Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina"Family dogs brawl with each other; a dog torments a child; a five-legged miniature pinscher has an aggressive attitude.
Dog WhispererS4, EP25 "The Escape Artist"An Australian shepherd/pit bull mix with severe aggression issues; a boxer's owners are concerned by her tendency to jump the six-foot backyard fence.
Dog WhispererS2, EP12 "Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones and Josie"A follow-up on the Hurricane Katrina dogs Cesar took; a German shepherd mix is difficult to walk; a chocolate lab refuses to walk on her family's new hardwood floors.
Dog WhispererS2, EP13 "Eppie, Lady and Snoopy"A dog develops an aggression problem after moving to a new area; a big dog does not let people near her owner; a beagle sniffs continually.
Dog WhispererS2, EP14 "Greta & Hoss, Storm and Chula"A dog becomes aggressive when he sees other dogs; a Newfoundland does not eat; a dog runs out of the house whenever the door opens.
Dog WhispererS2, EP15 "Pups on Parole, Eton & Dolly"Nevada inmates learn how to train dogs to be adopted; an ex-show dog and his companion have a power struggle.
Dog WhispererS2, EP16 "Vicki & Taz, Punkin and Maddy"Cesar helps an adopted terrier mix overcome her terrible fear of men and attempts to solve a pit bull's unhealthy fascination with chewing on rocks.
Dog WhispererS2, EP17 "Dax, Pete, Nixa, and Sugar & Snowflake"A beagle has a chewing problem; three German shepherds must be kept apart; a bichon frise dislikes her owner.
Dog WhispererS2, EP18 "The Incredible Hulk"A Yorkie attacks his leash, plants and a fellow Yorkie; a bull terrier attacks larger dogs; a Jack Russell terrier/Italian greyhound mix barks constantly while her owner is at work.
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