A refreshing and user-friendly take on science, technology, and everything in between on INWONDER. From topics that span the secrets of the brain, to mysteries of ancient civilizations and engineering feats, this is the channel that explores the wonders of our world.
Space GreedS1, EP5 "Looting the Moon for Trillions of Dollars"The moon is rich in rare earths, metals, and the highly sought-after isotope Helium 3; with NASA planning to make a manned return trip to the moon by 2024, some giant corporation could turn moon dust into a cosmic-sized payday.
Space GreedS1, EP6 "Asteroid Mining: Is the Next Gold Rush in Space?"Running out of crucial resources and materials is only a matter of time; the asteroids flying through the solar system contain tons of precious metals, stones, and more; the astronomical profits from mining asteroids could all hype.
Space GreedS1, EP7 "Endangered Aliens: Will Humans Trash Space?"Some sci-fi shocks audiences with images of powerful aliens invading and destroying Earth; what if humans are actually the invasive alien species?
Space GreedS1, EP8 "Space Cowboys: Who Will Wrangle Asteroids and Save the Earth?"It happened once and it took out the dinosaurs, it's only a matter of time before it happens again; the next time another space rock jeopardizes Earth, private space companies and their spacecrafts may not be enough to save the day.
Space GreedS1, EP9 "Arming Space Force"Exploring all the ways in which wars in space might be fought and who stands to make a pretty penny developing space-age weaponry.
Space GreedS1, EP10 "Above The Law"For the first 50 years of spaceflight, most nations broadly agree that space is common heritage, that it belonged to everybody.
Space GreedS1, EP11 "Toxic Space Factories"Billionaires suggest that moving toxic or pollution-heavy industries to space is a potential means of protecting the planet.
Space GreedS1, EP12 "Suing Our Way To Space"Billionaires have reasons for their multi-billion dollar investment in space exploration.
Survival Science"Sniper Attack"In addition to marksmanship and long-range shooting, military snipers are trained in a variety of skills: detection, stalking, camouflage, infiltration, special reconnaissance and target acquisition.
Survival Science"Surviving a Lightning Strike"Laura and Nick travel to a state-of-the-art direct effects lightning test lab. With some "explosive" experiments, they'll determine the power of lightning, and they'll find out how hunters and fishermen can protect themselves.
Survival Science"Surviving Nature's Fury: Storms"Nick and Laura experience Nature's fury through storm amazing generating gear that simulates terrible hurricanes, ice cold winds and even tornados. For these experiments they'll use remarkable technology that creates massive storms on Hollywood sets.
Survival Science"Surviving a Mountain Lion Attack"Laura and Nick explore the techniques to deal with mountain lions when they are the most dangerous; the behaviors, strength, eyesight and speed of mountain lions is scientifically broken down.
Destruction DecodedS1, EP6 "Tornadoes"Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns of air that can level buildings, their unpredictability makes them even more destructive; a look at how tornadoes form and if they can be stopped.
Destruction DecodedS1, EP7 "Air, Land and Sea"Planes and trains have made the world smaller, but when things go wrong, hundreds of lives can be lost in an instant.
Destruction DecodedS1, EP8 "Industrial Disasters"As technology advances, manmade accidents have become as destructive as some natural disasters; a look at recent catastrophes.
Ancient EngineeringS1, EP3 "Secrets of the Pyramids"Exploring how ancient Egyptian engineers built the monumental Great Pyramid at Giza, the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
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