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Judge Mathis

Judge Greg Mathis is unlike most adjudicators you'd see in a courtroom. The former Detroit-area district court judge infuses his court sessions with a generous dose of humor as he listens to diverse litigants plead their small-claims cases in his TV courtroom. A regular segment, Ask Judge Mathis, features the judge answering viewer questions to advise people with legal situations that they face. Prior to entering the legal world, Mathis was involved with gangs and spent time in jail as a young man before turning his life around.

S20, EP66

The plaintiff says her landlord kicked her out after some of his money went missing, and she sues him for repayment of a loan.

S23, EP45

A man sues his ex-wife for having him falsely arrested three times; she says he was abusive and manipulative, and she had to get an order of protection against him and is counter-suing for harassment, a wedding ring and breach of contract.

S23, EP75

The plaintiff wants her friend to repay her for a loan; the defendant says she used the money for her daughter's prom, but the plaintiff and her friends broke out into a fight and destroyed the venue, so she has refused to repay her.

S23, EP79

A woman says her baby daddy took her car without permission, vandalized it, and damaged her apartment.

S23, EP52

A man sues his mother for assault and hotel bills, saying that when he moved in with her during the pandemic, she admitted that she hated him and assaulted him.

S23, EP4

A woman sues her mother for unreturned property and emotional distress; mom says her daughter's boyfriend is physically and mentally abusive.

S23, EP60

A man sues his ex-wife, because he lent her money for their 18-year-old daughter to have surgery on her jaw, but he has yet to be repaid.

S23, EP18

A woman sues her father, who she says was a great role model who was always there for her, for unpaid rent.

S23, EP37

Woman sues her ex for repayment of a loan, claims he cheated on her throughout their relationship, and says she had to file a restraining order against him after he tried to burn down her house.

S23, EP62

A man sues his great aunt, saying she hired him to paint her house but failed to pay; she says the paint job wasn't completed.

S23, EP28

A woman says her ex-husband cheated on her several times, but he insists they were in an open relationship; she sues for an illegal eviction and emotional distress.

S23, EP57

A man sues his ex-wife for breach of contract, saying she was meeting men online and cheated on him with his best friend; she says he was mentally and verbally abusive, and she filed a restraining order against him for stalking and harassing her.

S23, EP76

The plaintiff says that after her 9-year-old son passed away, she became addicted to heroin but has been clean for 30 years; she is suing her former friend for repayment of a loan, while the ex-friend denies owing her for anything.

S23, EP61

A woman sues her mother, because after she bred her dog, her mother gave two of the puppies to her sister, when she was entitled to only one.

S23, EP19

The plaintiff says that after she found a provocative message from another woman in her live-in boyfriend's phone, he became violent, and she was forced to hide in a closet; she sues him for repayment of loans; he says she was the aggressor.

S23, EP38

The plaintiff dated the defendant and says she cheated on him around the time she got pregnant, so he has petitioned the court for a paternity test for her son.

S23, EP63

A couple say they bought a trailer from their neighbor, but he never gave it to them; he says they called the police and made death threats against him, so he's counter-suing for harassment.

S23, EP29

A woman who agreed to care for her friend's dog when she checked herself into rehab resists returning the animal because she feels it now belongs to her.

S20, EP46 "Judge Mathis"

The defendant says he and the plaintiff used protection, so he has petitioned the court for a paternity test.

S23, EP83

The plaintiff says the defendant harassed her and posted an explicit photo of her on social media without her permission.

S23, EP20

A photographer says the defendants told her their wedding ceremony was canceled due to the pandemic, so she refunded their money; she now believes that was a lie, so she's suing.

S23, EP39

The plaintiff says her neighbor falsely accused her of pulling a gun on her daughter; the defendant says she had to file a three-year restraining order against the plaintiff after the incident.

S23, EP64

Plaintiff rented a room from the defendant; he's suing for the return of his security deposit.

S23, EP30

A woman who hired a party planner to rent a venue for her 50th birthday says it was filthy and not decorated to her liking.

S20, EP67 "Judge Mathis"

A woman says her sister assaulted her several times and sues her for repayment of a phone bill and a bail bond.

S20, EP47 "Judge Mathis"

The plaintiff says her ex-boyfriend threatened her with a gun, grabbed her neck and also slashed the tires on her car.

S23, EP84

The plaintiff says that after her son was murdered in 2014, she learned that he may be the defendant's father, so she has petitioned the court for a DNA test to find out if he is her grandson.

S23, EP46

A man and his wife petition the court for a paternity test because they believe the defendant may be the man's daughter.

S23, EP40

A woman says that soon after she started dating the defendant she caught him texting other women, so she broke things off; she sues for a birthday gift and emotional distress; the defendant countersues and claims she is stalking him.

S23, EP65

A woman says the defendant began cheating on her after she got pregnant with his child; she sues him for unpaid child support; the defendant claims he has fallen on hard times since the pandemic.

S23, EP67

A woman sues a salon owner, saying that after her second visit, her hair started falling out; the salon owner says she offered her client a $175 gift card, which was accepted, but she's not giving her another dime.

S20, EP68 "Judge Mathis"

A man says his sister's ex-husband and her current boyfriend robbed their father's house; he sues her for repayment of a loan.

S20, EP48

The man the plaintiff says is her child's father passed away before he could take a paternity test.

S23, EP85

The plaintiff sues her ex-boyfriend for breach of contract, saying he attacked her after falsely accusing her of sleeping with his cousin.

S23, EP47

A man sues his ex-girlfriend for emotional distress and claims she trapped him into a relationship and gave him an S.T.D.

S23, EP41

A woman says her ex was abusive, and she broke up with him after he choked her, then she discovered she was pregnant with his baby; she comes to court to sue him for child support and emotional distress.

S23, EP66

A woman hired her friend of 15 years to do her son's and husband's tax returns, but says the friend failed to complete them, so she's suing for a refund.

S23, EP69

A woman says her relationship went downhill when her boyfriend let his female friend, who is a stripper, move in with them; she sues her ex for breach of contract.

S20, EP69

A woman sues her former friend for breach of contract after he, she says, sent her naked pictures of himself because he wanted to date her; he counter-sues for services rendered, defamation and harassment.

S20, EP49

A woman says she and the defendant had a "friends with benefits" relationship, but she is confident that he is her son's father.

S23, EP48

A woman claims she promoted the defendant's cosmetic line on social media but never got paid; the defendant says the plaintiff dragged his name and his products through the mud.

S23, EP86

A woman sues her baby daddy for the value of a car, saying she left him because he's an abusive drunk; he denies the accusations and says she uses their son against him.

S20, EP70 "Judge Mathis"

Plaintiff is suing her former friend for an unpaid electric bill; the friend says the plaintiff is a compulsive liar and becomes aggressive when she doesn't get her way.

S20, EP50

The plaintiff says she has video to prove that she and her co-worker got into a physical altercation, and she believes that the co-worker vandalized her car.

S23, EP87

The plaintiff says her baby daddy rarely sees their child, and she sues him for the cost of ballet classes, medical bills and emotional distress; he insists he's not a deadbeat dad and is counter-suing for emotional distress and defamation.

S23, EP49

A woman sues a tattoo artist, claiming his shoddy work gave her an infection; she's suing for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.

S20, EP71 "Judge Mathis"

Plaintiff is suing her former best friend for unpaid rent; the defendant claims she baby-sat the plaintiff's kids in exchange for rent.

S20, EP51

Plaintiff dated the defendant, who is 10 years her junior and claims after she confronted him about his cheating, he threw chicken grease on her; she is suing because she says the defendant vandalized her vehicle and she has the video to prove it.

S20, EP72

Plaintiff says the defendant's son, who is a minor, took her car without permission and wrecked it.

S20, EP52

Woman dated the defendant and claims while they were together, he paid another woman $12 for a sex tape; she's suing for breach of contract and emotional distress.

S20, EP73 "Judge Mathis"

A woman sues for harassment and emotional distress but the plaintiff counter-sues, alleging harassment from the plaintiff.

S20, EP53

Plaintiff says the defendant has been dating her daughter for over eight years, and she claims he has been physically abusive to her the entire time; she is suing him for the balance due on a loan plus interest and emotional distress.

S20, EP74 "Judge Mathis"

A couple who met online is at odds over credit-card use.

S20, EP54

Plaintiff says she and the defendant were good friends and hired him to decorate her apartment, but is suing because she says he did a horrible job; the defendant says the plaintiff is one of the top strippers in Atlanta and makes $10,000 a night.

S20, EP75

A woman sues her cousin to get a refund on rent.

S20, EP55 "Judge Mathis"

Plaintiff became a ward of the state at age 4 and at age 12, ran away to become a prostitute; she says she turned her life around and started dating the defendant, but he was unfaithful and also a cocaine abuser; she claims he vandalized her car.

S23, EP100

A man sues his ex-fiancée for unreturned property and an engagement ring; she says she left him because he's a raging alcoholic and drug addict.

S23, EP99

The plaintiff says her sister tried to push her out of a car and strangle her with a seat belt.

S23, EP98

The plaintiff sues her ex-boyfriend for a cellphone and cellphone bill and says she caught him cheating; he brings to court threatening text messages she sent to him.

S23, EP82

A woman sues her best friend's daughter for a gas bill, an electric bill and court costs; the defendant says the plaintiff falsely accused her of child abuse and called child protective services on her.

S23, EP81

A man sues his stepdaughter for the balance due on a loan; she says that when she was younger, he was a drug abuser, forcing her into the foster care system, and her life was never the same.

S23, EP80

A man sues his longtime friend for a collections bill; the defendant says he was arrested because the plaintiff came to his house and caused a commotion, so he's counter-suing.

S23, EP78

The plaintiff's father says the defendant is her sister, but she wants proof, so she has petitioned the court for a DNA test.

S23, EP77

The plaintiff, who took guardianship of the defendant's baby because she was born with meth in her system, sues the birth mother for breach of contract; the defendant counter-sues for unreturned property and says the plaintiff is vindictive.

S23, EP74

The plaintiff says that, two years ago, her mother confessed that the defendant may be her biological father, so she has petitioned the court for a paternity test.

S23, EP73

A woman says her former roommate moved out after three months because he wanted more from their relationship than she was willing to give, and she sues him for unpaid rent.

S23, EP72

A man asked his roommate to watch his puppy when he was out of town, but the puppy died in her care, so he is suing; she says she had nothing to do with the puppy's death and denies owing anything.

S23, EP71

A woman says that her aunt spends her entire paycheck on clothes and shoes; she's suing her for car payments and repairs.

S23, EP70

A woman says football is her baby daddy's life and he chooses it over her and their child; she sues for the cost of a car.

S23, EP68

The plaintiff believes that the defendant may be the daughter of her brother, who has been deceased for 18 years, so she has petitioned the court for a paternity test.

S23, EP59

A woman sues her former nail tech, saying she paid her to take a nail class, but the defendant breached their contract; the nail tech counter-sues for slander and harassment.

S23, EP58

A man sues his ex-girlfriend for repayment of loans after discovering she was cheating on him with her ex; she says he is suing out of spite for her ending their relationship, and the money he gave her was a gift.

S23, EP56

A woman sues her ex-husband for rent, saying their marriage fell apart due to trust issues and infidelity; he says she became addicted to pain pills after surgery and was unable to function, which damaged the family.

S23, EP55

A woman says her daughter is lying about her being a bad mother, so she's suing for defamation, saying that by the time her daughter turned 17, she had two kids and was a stripper.

S23, EP54

The plaintiff says the defendant signed her birth certificate, but he has been in and out of her life over the years, and she doesn't know if he is her biological father or not, so she has petitioned the court for a paternity test.

S23, EP53

A woman petitions the court for rehab for her son, saying he's an addict who started using drugs as a teen and is running with the wrong crowd.

S23, EP51

A landlord sues his former tenant for two months' rent, late fees and utilities, saying she was working as a prostitute while renting a room in his home; she counter-sues, saying he broke into her room with a sledgehammer and destroyed her property.

S23, EP44

A man sues his wife for damaging his property and says she constantly accuses him of cheating, even though he has never been unfaithful.

S23, EP43

A man sues the owner of an entertainment company for breach of contract, saying the female dancers he hired for a party were not the ones he requested, and they arrived late and were on their phones during the performance.

S23, EP42 "Exes in Court"

A woman says her baby daddy was abusive, and she had to file a restraining order; a man has doubts about fathering a defendant's 17-year-old daughter; a plaintiff returns to the show to find out if a defendant is her 18-year-old daughter's father.

S23, EP36

A man says he became a single father and started selling drugs to support his child, but ultimately fell victim to opioids.

S23, EP27

A man who bought a car from a married woman says it was a lemon, so he's suing to get his money back; they argue over who was being flirtatious.

S23, EP26

A hairstylist sues her client for repayment of a loan and emotional distress, saying the defendant portrays having a lavish lifestyle on her social media but is really a fraud.

S23, EP17

A woman accuses her cousin of crashing her car with the plaintiff's children inside.

S23, EP16

A man says he dated the defendant for 20 years, and they have a child together, but now that he's married, the defendant has become extremely jealous of his new relationship; he sues for breach of contract, an electric bill and emotional distress.

S23, EP15

A woman says her twin sister agreed to split her medical bills when she became ill while planning a bachelorette party for the twin.

S23, EP14

A woman sues her ex-husband for her son's unpaid medical bill and emotional distress, saying he hasn't spoken to their son in several months.

S23, EP6

A man sues his sister for repayment of two loans and says her 20-year heroin addiction has put a strain on their entire family; she says she's ready to get some help and become a productive member of society.

S23, EP5

The plaintiff says she dated the defendant at the height of her drug addiction and is suing him for stolen money and emotional distress; he says they never dated and is counter-suing for unpaid rent and emotional distress, saying she assaulted him.

S20, EP65 "Judge Mathis"

A woman accuses her sister of stealing money and demands repayment of a loan.

S20, EP64 "Judge Mathis"

The plaintiff says her former friend failed to pay rent and damaged her home.

S20, EP63

The plaintiff sues her former business partner, saying he backed out of their deal, then tried to steal their idea and profit from it.

S20, EP62 "Judge Mathis"

A woman sues a man she met on Facebook for repayment of a loan.

S20, EP45

The plaintiff says she put her 12-year-old daughter in a group home for acting out, but the girl ran away to the defendant's home.

S20, EP44

The plaintiff sues the defendant for a cable bill and emotional distress because she badmouthed her on social media.

S20, EP43 "Judge Mathis"

A woman sues a former co-worker she says defamed her by claiming she was a prostitute.

S20, EP42 "Judge Mathis"

A woman sues her ex-boyfriend for harassment and repayment of two loans; he says he caught her in bed with another man.

Judge Greg Mathis is unlike most adjudicators you'd see in a courtroom. The former Detroit-area district court judge infuses his court sessions with a generous dose of humor as he listens to diverse litigants plead their small-claims cases in his TV courtroom. A regular segment, Ask Judge Mathis, features the judge answering viewer questions to advise people with legal situations that they face. Prior to entering the legal world, Mathis was involved with gangs and spent time in jail as a young man before turning his life around.
Original Air Date: Sep 20, 1999
Genres: RealityTV Series
Rating: TVPG
Playback: HD
2 seasons available on demand (41 episodes)
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